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Langley PTO currently has 5 committees that make it easy for parents to volunteer where they can at school.

Family Engagement

The family engagement committee plans events to bring families together and strengthen our school community. The members collaborate with the school administration to identify the needs of Langley families and how we can help address those needs. And we encourage school pride and neighborhood visibility though Langley “swag” and gear.  Help facilitate family connections and increase communication among caregivers through room parents and PTO outreach.

Meg Dune and Melissa Bisagni, Family Engagement Committee Chairs


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Our Goal in the fundraising committee is to raise funds so the PTO has what it needs to operate & support the school. We want to PTO and the school to be able to advance opportunities for all of our children. 

  • Tiger Trek (Fall) Family, friends, local businesses and developers donate during the campaign that ends with a celebration walk at the school.

  • Scholastic Book Fair (Winter) We turn a room in the school into a book store & kids purchase books. Funds raised help buy more books for classrooms & the library.

  • Make Some Noise (Spring) We help organize a family friendly event with a musical performance + collect items & run a silent auction.  Historically raises 4k+.

  • Langley Night Out (ongoing) Local restaurants agree to donate a portion of sales one night to Langley. Families go to the restaurant to enjoy the community and support the school

Christina Robbins, Fundraising Committee Chair



The committee supports the school’s garden (T street entrance) and Food Forest (hillside between Harry Thomas and Langley). These spaces foster students’ interest in the environment, nutrition, and science and serve as a link between Langley and the community. We work closely with FoodPrints plan and maintain the garden, DTO and Forested support the Food Forest, and have received several other grants over the last year for garden projects.

Katie Gima, Garden & Wellness Committee Chair
Julia Hedlund, Liaison for the Food Forest


Committees: Activities


The advocacy committee works with the school administration and city officials to advocate on behalf of the needs of our students, teachers, and school facilities. Members of the committee work with the DC Council and Mayors office, organize parents to testify at budget and oversite hearings, and whatever else we can do to get our school what we need.

We'd welcome anyone interested to join this committee. We need your ideas!

Dorie Turner Nolt, Advocacy Committee Chair



Grant Writing

The Grant Writing Committee researches and applies for grants that can be used by the school and the PTO. This is a great committee for folks who may not be able to commit in-person time, but you are able to find a bit of time to research grants online and apply for them. There's an easy template to use to make grant writing very straightforward. 

We've won grants for the garden, musical equipment, art supplies, PE, and many more. Please consider joining this committee! It's so rewarding to win a grant for the kids, and we'd welcome anyone interested to participate.

Emily Thomas deWolf, Grant Writing Committee Chair



We'd like to start a new committee dedicated to running the aftercare partnerships at Langley and seeking out new opportunities to expand aftercare, find fun enhancement programs, and source grants to keep it affordable.

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Committees: Activities
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